Humidity Control

Humidity Control

Warehouses, factories, and a range of other industrial buildings can often suffer from the effects of humidity during warmer months. Humidity can be detrimental to specialist equipment and products making it essential to control air quality at all times.

During the summer, the quantity of water in the air can increase due to natural weather patterns. At Dravo, we have a range of units to help reduce these levels and dehumidify the internal environment. Using sophisticated monitoring equipment, our temperature control units pull in air from the surrounding environment and condition it to an appropriate level before recirculating it throughout the building, creating optimum working conditions for employees and equipment.

Additionally, our temperature control units can add humidity to air that has become dry due to excessive heating. During the heating process, the air can lose a lot of its water making working environments uncomfortable during the winter months. Thanks to our temperature control units, we can ensure your workplace remains comfortable all year round, without unnecessary costs. By adding moisture to the air and recirculating it throughout the building, our systems ensure an even spread of conditioned air.

For more information on our humidity and temperature control systems, speak to a member of the team today.